Sunday, October 25, 2009


tamat da laa we all punye job as sekretariat MPP tuk sem 09...
siap ader penympaian sijil oleh timb. pengarah HEP ag...
rs dihargai lak..hohoho

pesanan from koordinator n tp hep:
- well done for the good job
- cr junior yg sesuai tuk gntikn ktowng...(pk2 sape calon bertuah..)
- kowng kaki, telinga, mata, mulut n hidung student kat sni..(alamak!!)
- best of luck 4 final n the rest of our life...(thank you...)

diz is our moment sepanjang mjlis penyerahan sijil...
gler2 gak upe nye sume sekretariat ni...hoho=p
nice working wif all of them...thanks guys 4 all da' precious moment together
n thank 4 teaching me....

aksi gle2 penerima sijil

wif pihak pengurusan

tekun mendengar ucapan

MC si bidan terjun


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